Hot Tub Step
Xtremepouwer Lightweight Premium Multi-Purpose Hot Tub 2-Step Pool RV Campers
Step into your hot tub, spa, or pool with ease and safety in mind when you climb up using the Xtremepower Spa Step. This new, completely designed Step spa step from XtremepowerUS was created with durability and versatility in mind. The new XtremepowerUS incorporates the ability to use the step with a straight-sided spa or a rounded spa
- Steps feature slip-resistant grooves for safe climbing when wet
- This versatile step can be taken and used almost anywhere, including your garage, home, camping RV, and more
- Newly designed step can be used with either straight or curved spas
- Step is super easy to assemble – snaps together with no tools or hardware needed
- Lightweight yet super strong step is the perfect addition to any spa, hot tub or pool
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